Lets Prepare African food Ndengu Chapati

African food Ndengu Chapati. . Its easy to make African food Ndengu Chapati for my daughter.

African food Ndengu Chapati

African food Ndengu Chapati

You can simply cook African food Ndengu Chapati in 10 ingredients and just 4 steps. Here is how you can simply prepate it.

Ingredients of African food Ndengu Chapati

1 You need of ndengu.
2 Approximately of congets diced in.
3 Prepare of carrots in.
4 You need of onion diced.
5 You need of potatoes diced.
6 You need of tomatoes cut in.
7 You need of garlic grated.
8 Approximately of grated ginger.
9 Take of minced meat.
10 Take of oil and s a lt.

African food Ndengu Chapati cooking guidances

Step 1 Steam the mince meat and add oil then onion.cook till brown..
Step 2 Add ginger and garlic, turn and then add carrots, then congets,tomatoes and turn them add potatoes. Cook till ready..
Step 3 Add the already sorted and boiled ndengu. Keep turning. Add salt if u want..
Step 4 Serve with chapati or any accompaniment of your choice..