Easy to Cook Dombolo - Dumplings - Kluitjie

Dombolo - Dumplings - Kluitjie. Sif all your dry ingredients together. Add your butter and mix it well with your fingers. Dumplings are the perfect addition to any stew.. Today we will prepare Dombolo - Dumplings - Kluitjie for my daughter.

Dombolo - Dumplings - Kluitjie

Dombolo - Dumplings - Kluitjie

Were we specializes in making Dumpling (Steamed. COSMO Dumplings is proud to release the latest app update to make it easy for orders, registrations, and tracking. We have now updated our app and integrated it with our. You can simply prepare Dombolo - Dumplings - Kluitjie in 7 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you can simply prepate that.

Ingredients of Dombolo - Dumplings - Kluitjie

1 Take of Cake Flour.
2 About of Sugar.
3 Prepare of salt.
4 It's of yeast.
5 You need of Butter.
6 Prepare of Water.
7 Approximately of Carrot.

Dombolo, also known as steamed bread or dumplings, is often enjoyed with stew or tripe. We love serving this stew with dombolo to mop up the delicious sauce. How to make e dombolo (dumpling). COSMO Dumplings is proud to release the latest app update to make it easy for orders, registrations, and tracking.

Dombolo - Dumplings - Kluitjie cooking guidances

Step 1 Sif all your dry ingredients together..
Step 2 Add your butter and mix it well with your fingers..
Step 3 Add your water and start kneeling your dough for 15 min..
Step 4 Leave your dough in a bowl cover it and leave it to rise for atleast and hour..
Step 5 Knee your dough again for 10 min. (Optional: You can separate your dough in 4. You can add crated carrots to one part, mixed herbs to another part, fried onions to the third part and leave the forth part as is.).
Step 6 Place your dough in a creased bowl or separate the dough in coffee mugs and place it in your pot. Fill water to cover 2/3 of your mugs/bowl. Steam it for atleast 45-60 min..
Step 7 Enjoy you dombolo with a nice stew..

We have now updated our app and integrated it with our. COSMO Dumplings is proud to release the latest app update to make it easy for orders, registrations, and tracking.. Steamed bread , #dombolo #dumpling how to make dombolo. BREAD , #DOMBOLO #DUMPLING HOW TO MAKE DOMBOLO канала Tee's Tasty Eats. See great recipes for Steam bread 😂, Dombolo - Dumplings - Kluitjie too!