Easy to Cook Carrot Cake

Carrot Cake. . This is my secret recipe to make Carrot Cake for my friends.

Carrot Cake

Carrot Cake

You can simply cook Carrot Cake by following 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you can simply make it.

Ingredients of Carrot Cake

1 Prepare of eggs.
2 It's of sugar.
3 It's of milk.
4 You need of lemon juice.
5 Take of carrots.
6 Approximately of baking powder.
7 Approximately of baking soda.
8 It's of cinnamon.
9 Take of vanilla powder.
10 It's of flour (you can add as much as you need).
11 You need of hazelnuts.

Carrot Cake cooking guidances

Step 1 Peel and grate your carrots.
Step 2 Whisk eggs and sugar.
Step 3 Add milk, lemon juice and carrots and mix them.
Step 4 Sift your cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda vanilla powder and flour (add flour slowly so you can see how much you need) and mix again.
Step 5 Finally add hazelnuts mix them and bake in 180°C preheated oven for 40 mins..