Lets Make Delicious Traditional South African Pumpkin pie (pampoentert)

Traditional South African Pumpkin pie (pampoentert). . I will guide you to make Traditional South African Pumpkin pie (pampoentert) for my family.

Traditional South African Pumpkin pie (pampoentert)

Traditional South African Pumpkin pie (pampoentert)

You can have Traditional South African Pumpkin pie (pampoentert) in 10 ingredients and just 5 steps. Here is how you can easily cook it.

Ingredients of Traditional South African Pumpkin pie (pampoentert)

1 About of melted butter.
2 About of sugar.
3 You need of free-range eggs.
4 It's of flour.
5 It's of baking powder.
6 Prepare of milk.
7 Approximately of cooked/roasted butternut.
8 It's of cinnamon for dusting.
9 It's of caster sugar for dusting.
10 Take of drizzle of honey/maple syrup.

Traditional South African Pumpkin pie (pampoentert) cooking instructions

Step 1 Preheat oven to 180 degrees C..
Step 2 Cream the butter and sugar together. While beating, add the eggs one at a time, beating after adding each egg..
Step 3 Sift together the flour and baking powder then add it to the mixture. Mix until everything is combined. Gradually add the milk, whisking continually to ensure a smooth batter..
Step 4 For the butternut, chop into small cubes to roast quickly, dust with a little cinnamon and if you like maybe some honey or maple syrup. Roast in the oven for 25 minutes until soft but not mushy. Add the cooked butternut to the batter mixture and stir to combine well..
Step 5 Pour into an oven proof dish and lightly dust with a little cinnamon and the caster sugar. Bake for 20 minutes or until firm and golden. Serve with custard/ice cream or eat as is..