Lets Prepare Tasty Baked steak and kidney samoosas

Baked steak and kidney samoosas. Put coconut oil in sauce pan and fry beef until until its brown. Steak & Kidney Pie is one of those traditional British dishes that is worth making. I add mushrooms into mine, but in fact the same recipe can also be used.. This is my secret recipe to make Baked steak and kidney samoosas for my husband.

Baked steak and kidney samoosas

Baked steak and kidney samoosas

Just spoon the meat and some of the gravy into a pie dish, top with ready-rolled puff pastry then glaze with beaten egg. Suet pastry filled with tender steak and kidney in a rich gravy - a British classic pudding to be proud of. Cover the dish with a large circle of baking parchment, with a pleat in the middle to allow for expansion. You can simply prepare Baked steak and kidney samoosas in 8 ingredients and just 8 steps. Here is how you can simply cook that.

Ingredients of Baked steak and kidney samoosas

1 It's of steak and kidney.
2 You need of normal onion.
3 Prepare of beef stock.
4 Prepare of Worcestershire sauce.
5 About of magpie pastry purr.
6 Prepare of coconut oil.
7 About of egg.
8 Approximately of Cook bake spray.

Baked samosas are a healthier alternative to the fried versions you find in most Indian takeaways - Manju Mahli's spicy vegetarian version makes a stunning starter or snack. Baked Samosas, Lite Baked Samosas Recipe. Baked Samosas - The lite version of the traditional oil laden samosas with step by step pictures. Recipe adapted from the cook book of the food network star: Aarti.

Baked steak and kidney samoosas cooking instructions

Step 1 Put coconut oil in sauce pan and fry beef until until its brown..
Step 2 Remove the beef from the pan In the same saucepan fry the kidneys until they are brown.
Step 3 When the kidneys are brown, add onions, the beef, Worcestershire sauce, and beef stock.
Step 4 Let the contents in the pot simmer at medium heat without covering the pot (keep pot open) for an hour. The mixture must be thick and not watery.
Step 5 Preheat oven to 180°C Spray pan with cook and bake.
Step 6 Use magpie pastry purr to fold the samoosas using the instructions below. Only put the mixture after the second fold.
Step 7 Fold all the samoosas.
Step 8 Whisk an egg in a bowl for egg wash Brush the egg on top of the samoosas Bake until golden brown.

Baked samosas made with pie crust and seasoned potatoes and peas are an easy version of the Indian-inspired appetizer without all the oil. This has all the flavor and heartiness of a great samosa without the frying. Although this is an easier, healthier version of the fried. Spoon into serving bowls and scatter. A really delicious and foolproof steak and kidney pie!