Lets Prepare Traditional Bengali Shinni

Traditional Bengali Shinni. . Its easy to make Traditional Bengali Shinni for my husband.

Traditional Bengali Shinni

Traditional Bengali Shinni

You can easily cook Traditional Bengali Shinni in 7 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you can easily do it.

Ingredients of Traditional Bengali Shinni

1 About of whole wheat flour.
2 About of gur/jaggery or sugar.
3 About of grated coconut.
4 It's of unboiled milk.
5 Take of raisins.
6 You need of cashewnuts.
7 Approximately of bananas.

Traditional Bengali Shinni cooking guidances

Step 1 Mash the bananas and gur or sugar together in a bowl till gur is dissolved.Add wheat flour and slowly add the milk.Adjust milk according to thickness required.Add grated coconut.If making for puja,a pinch of crushed camphor may be added.Add chopped nuts and raisins.To make it more delicious 2 pieces of kalakand or khowa may be added.After puja,if needed add some more milk.Delicious prasad or dessert is ready to be served..