Easy to Cook Braai Broodjies

Braai Broodjies. . Its not hard to make Braai Broodjies for my husband.

Braai Broodjies

Braai Broodjies

You can easily cook Braai Broodjies in 9 ingredients and just 5 steps. Here is how you can easily make that.

Ingredients of Braai Broodjies

1 It's of white bread.
2 Approximately of medium sized tomato.
3 Approximately of biltong or biltong powder.
4 Approximately of cheddar cheese.
5 Take of butter.
6 Approximately of onion.
7 Approximately of salt.
8 Approximately of pepper.
9 Prepare of powdered parmesean cheese (optional).

Braai Broodjies cooking guidances

Step 1 Butter your breads.
Step 2 Put your cheese (sliced or grated), tomato (sliced), onion (roughly chopped) on to the bread.
Step 3 If you used biltong, chop it into chunky pieces, otherwise sprinkle your biltong powder onto the bread.
Step 4 Add salt and pepper to your liking and also the parmesean if you want.
Step 5 Add to the braai and toast on each side until golden brown. Then cut and serve immediately (while it's till hot).