Lets Make Delicious Banana Almond Milk Smoothie

Banana Almond Milk Smoothie. . Today we will prepare Banana Almond Milk Smoothie for my son.

Banana Almond Milk Smoothie

Banana Almond Milk Smoothie

You can easily cook Banana Almond Milk Smoothie in 3 ingredients and only 2 steps. Here is how you can easily cook that.

Ingredients of Banana Almond Milk Smoothie

1 Take of Unsweetened Long Life Almond Milk (whole carton).
2 Prepare of frozen bananas.
3 You need of Lyle's Golden Syrup.

Banana Almond Milk Smoothie cooking guidances

Step 1 Pour - Lyle's Golden Syrup into Blender Cup and add some of the liquid from the partially defrosted Almond milk ice and add a few frozen banana pieces - blend in Nutri Ninja Blender for 2 minutes - remove the content of the liquid too a large mixing bowl,so as too - continue too blend another batch..
Step 2 Once done - stir all the Smoothie liquid in the large mixing bowl (I use my Kenwood Food Mixer Bowl) and then add too Three - 600ml cups or glasses for 3 generous servings of 500ml of Smoothies..